Tuesday 16 August 2011

August 16th 2011

We've hit the terrible twos 8 months early.

Yesterday morning started all sunshine and roses, lovely kisses and cuddles for mummy and daddy. Then we dared get out of bed and the troubles began.

Tooth brushing resulted in a paddy because I wouldn't let him eat the toothpaste straight from the tube.

Getting dressed? No chance, he's a fan of the birthday suit look.

Eating breakfast? Apparently the cats are more in need of food than he is, incidentally, they are both quite partial to Weetabix and scrambled eggs.

Leaving the house resulted in a head banging strop, made all the more awkward on account of his nudity.

I could have screamed, but instead I laughed and reminded myself that this too shall pass, like every other phase we've hit. 

Today I have a day off [hurrah!] so decided to halt the tantrumming train by spending the day exactly as he wants. We go up at 7.45, but stayed in bed til about 8.30 watching CBeebies, had a bath together, got dressed in his choice of clothes [star print tracksuit bottoms & a stripy tee - he's all about clashing, clearly], had raisins and dry cereal for breakfast, spent a couple of hours getting covered in wet sand at playgroup then had more raisins on the walk home. Once we got in he happily stripped off and got into bed for a nap, albeit wearing only a nappy and t-shirt. So as I type, I'm drinking a cuppa and enjoying the peace. He's happily snuggling Colonel Cat & snoozing.

I've been told on more than one occasion that I'm spoiling my boy, but if you can't spoil your baby, who can you spoil? He's stirring, so I'm off to let him choose his lunch and then spend the afternoon playing cars - and I'm going to enjoy every second of it.


  1. I think we hit the terrible twos early as well!

    As i type Lily has re crushed the crisps back into the floor and her toys are everywhere.
    But i like to let her make mess, to her mess is fun

    When it comes to 7pm i can tidy it all up and enjoy a clean (ish!) house :)

  2. Oh I remember those well! (even though mine are 24 and 15 now!) The saving grace is that they do pass honest!

    X x
